CINAHL is a database for nursing and public health students to find papers such as academic journals, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and more. There are various versions of CINAHL but we’re specifically using CINAHL with full text.
Once you click on the CINAHL , you are taken to the CINAHL website.
–> If you click on the CINAHL on school grounds/ a school device, you’re granted automatic access
–> If you are accessing outside of school grounds, you need to sign in with an ID and password: ask the nursing department ( and they will provide it for you
You can download the Step-by-Step Guide for CINAHL with Full-Text .
Resources for Nursing Students on Using APA Style
- What changed when APA style went from 6th to 7th edition?
- Please Explain how to create a title page in APA style. (APA 스타일로 타이틀 페이지 만드는 법)
- Please provide a sample title page (based on the 7th edition).
- Is there an explanation of APA-style report forms (based on the 7th edition) APA스타일 보고서 양식에 대한 설명 (제7판)?
- 간호학과에서 사용하는 APA스타일 보고서 양식 이 있나요? (제6판 기준으로 된 것)
Please access your learning management system (Moodle) for more resources and tutorials.