5.2.2023 update

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Digital Resources in Musicology (DRM) provides links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists. With a burgeoning number of digital resources available, remembering titles of sites and pathways to them can be difficult. Digital Resources in Musicology is organized topically and provides a rapid search tool for specialties within heterogeneous collections.
Explore millions of high-quality primary sources and images from around the world, including artworks, maps, photographs, and more. You can read online for free from 6 to 100 with a registered individual account.
The mission of Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL) is to curate high-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and stable public domain collections. The OADTL uses the world’s most advanced integrated library system (ILS) for cataloging and discovery. This system, OCLC’s WorldShare, makes content easily discoverable and retrievable. The OADTL is staffed by professional librarians and curates content without regard for theological or confessional perspective.
Current Musicology is a leading journal for scholarly research on music. We publish articles and book reviews in the fields of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, and philosophy of music. The journal was founded in 1965 by graduate students at Columbia University as a semiannual review.
During Summer 2020, the NCCO received custody of American Choral Review from Chorus America, Inc. The merged The Choral Scholar & American Choral Review began Fall 2020, with Vol. 58, No. 3, adopting the numbering system of the antecedent publication. The first issue was published in 2009.
The Choral Journal has been the international journal of the American Choral Directors Association since 1959. It provides members with practical and scholarly information about choral music and its performance. Feature articles are anonymously peer-reviewed by the editorial board. The latest issue is available for free.
The Journal of Jazz Studies (JJS), formerly the print journal Annual Review of Jazz Studies, is an open-access online journal, which is peer reviewed and published by the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Addressed to specialists and fans alike, JJS provides a forum for the ever-expanding range and depth of jazz scholarship, from technical analyses to oral history to bibliography to cultural interpretation. The editors of JJS are Dan Faulk and Henry Martin; the editor-in-chief is Vincent Pelote.
Musicology Today is a double-blind peer reviewed journal published since 2004 by the Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw and the Union of Polish Composers, Poland. Musicology Today provides an intellectual platform for international scholars and promotes interdisciplinary studies in musicology. We publish articles in the fields of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, and other sub-disciplines of musicology. The journal is a forum for research in all areas of music scholarship, seeking to reflect the breadth and diversity of approaches and topics. Musicology Today distinctly promotes studies on Central and Eastern European music.
HAYDN: The Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America is dedicated to the dissemination of all areas and methodologies of research and performance considerations regarding the music, culture, life and times of Joseph Haydn and his circle. The first issue of HAYDN: Online Journal appeared in the fall of 2011, published by the RIT PressThe Haydn Society of North America (HSNA) sought to create an instrument for the dissemination of the latest research on the life and music of Joseph Haydn, and other composers, musicians, artists, and historical figures in his circle.
The Journal of Music History Pedagogy publishes original research on any aspect of the teaching and learning of music history at both the undergraduate and graduate level, for all audiences (majors, non-majors, and the public), and all genres of music. The editorial board seeks to present a balance of practitioner-based research; philosophical essays on educational theory, curriculum, and pedagogical inquiry; and systematic research that promotes a critical dialog about the teaching of music history. 
Music Research Annual is the first peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing review essays from the full range of academic disciplines that study music. Each article explores the current state of scholarship on a key topic within a discipline or interdisciplinary juncture and charts ways forward to new research. Led by a group of renowned scholars, the journal seeks to forward academic inquiry into music and foster interdisciplinary dialogMRA is an open-access journal published by the Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media, and Place at Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada).
Visions of Research in Music Education is a fully refereed critical journal appearing exclusively on the Internet. Its publication is offered as a public service to the profession by the New Jersey Music Educators Association, the state affiliate of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education. The first issue was published in 2001.
Context, your journal for music research, was published through the University of Melbourne. The journal was founded in 1991.  Context is a refereed (peer-reviewed) international music journal that publishes original research concerning all aspects of music and music-related fields. In addition to articles, Context presents reviews of recent publications (book and other printed materials, but not CDs), interviews with composers and practitioners, and reports on ongoing research projects.
TOPICS is intended to fill the gap between music education scholarship and practice.  In particular, it focuses on the “practice” (practical, praxial, pragmatic) side of the “theory into practice” and “practice into theory” problematic by publishing papers, articles, documents, and other texts that that make a contribution to praxis and praxial theory.  Thus, the focus of such scholarly articles will be on issues of relevance to music education praxis internationally, and the intended audience will be music education students, school music, community and private music teachers, and professors largely engaged with preparing undergraduate and master’s level music education students.  These articles will also be of interest to doctoral students, who may also author them as part of their important bridging of the worlds of practitioners and professors. All articles will be aligned or consonant with the Action Ideals of the MDG, as published on its website, however, views expressed by TOPICS authors are their own and may or may not reflect the views of the editors.

Source: Matthew Franke’s list of open-access music journals

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